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Why Don’t More Veterinarians Recommend CBD?

by The Cutting Edge Vet
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CBD (cannabidiol) has gained significant popularity in recent years for its potential therapeutic benefits in both humans and animals. However, many veterinarians are hesitant to recommend CBD to their patients. This article delves into the reasons behind this reluctance and examines the challenges faced by veterinarians when it comes to incorporating CBD into their practice.

Lackluster Veterinary State Board Guidance

Veterinarians, like human medical doctors, are subject to their state’s veterinary state boards. These boards ensure that veterinarians adhere to ethical standards and legal regulations in their practice. However, when it comes to CBD, veterinary state boards have largely remained silent, leaving veterinarians uncertain about the legality and potential consequences of discussing or recommending CBD products. Fearful of losing their license, veterinarians often opt for caution and avoid CBD altogether. Conversations with veterinary state boards reveal their own acknowledgment of the need for more guidance in this area.

Vet School Education and License Concerns

CBD was not included in the curriculum of most veterinary schools, which impacts veterinarians’ knowledge and familiarity with the subject. Veterinarians typically base their decisions on scientific research, but due to the legal complexities surrounding CBD, conducting studies in this area has been challenging. As a result, there is limited scientific research available to support the use of CBD in veterinary medicine. Without comprehensive education on CBD during their veterinary school years, veterinarians may lack the necessary knowledge and confidence to incorporate it into their practice. Additionally, the fear of potential license implications discourages veterinarians from discussing or recommending CBD, given the high cost of veterinary education and the significant consequences of losing their license.

Time Constraints and Limited Research

Veterinarians lead busy professional lives, often juggling multiple responsibilities. They have limited time to dedicate to extensive research on emerging treatments like CBD. Staying updated with the latest scientific advancements is already challenging, and diving into the complexities of CBD research can be overwhelming. Consequently, some veterinarians prefer to stick to conventional treatment options with established scientific evidence rather than explore the potential benefits of CBD. It is important to note that while time constraints are a significant factor, it is an oversimplification to say that all veterinarians are too busy to consider CBD; there are veterinarians who actively engage in researching and utilizing CBD in their practice.

Ownership Structures and Restrictive Policies

The majority of veterinary practices are now owned by conglomerates, which often have their own policies and restrictions regarding product recommendations, including CBD. These conglomerates operate multiple veterinary clinics and enforce standardized protocols and guidelines that veterinarians must follow. Some conglomerates may adopt a cautious approach due to the legal uncertainties surrounding CBD, prohibiting their veterinarians from discussing or recommending CBD products. This restrictive approach aims to mitigate potential legal risks and maintain a consistent stance across their network of clinics. Consequently, even if individual veterinarians believe in the potential benefits of CBD, they may be bound by the policies of their practice owner.

The reluctance among veterinarians to recommend CBD can be attributed to various factors, including the lack of clear guidance from veterinary state boards, the absence of CBD education in veterinary schools, fear of license implications, time constraints, and ownership structures with restrictive policies. As the legal and regulatory landscape surrounding CBD continues to evolve, it is essential for veterinary state boards to provide comprehensive guidance to veterinarians. Additionally, more research is needed to establish a stronger scientific foundation for the use of CBD in veterinary medicine. By addressing these challenges, veterinarians can make informed decisions and provide the best possible care to their animal patients.

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